Atheists say there is no god.
Christians say there is one god.
Capitalists say they are god.
Agnostics ask what is god?
The spirit exists. We can feel it when we are mused by art, song, cinema, science, and the written word.
We are human. And we are more than flesh.
We are stardust yearning to return to the stars.
Evolution, biology, society, these are but the tools we built for survival to see our inspiration become reality.
Millions... Billions of years got us to the point of our dreams being within reach.
We are so close...
So close to grasping and understanding the very essence of our soul.
The stars are but a breath away.
Health can be perfected within a century.
Poverty... Homelessness... Suffering can be eradicated within years.
We got to this point... We SURVIVED to this point...
And we're but moments from losing it all.
Greed and dogma threaten our destiny.
A few heartless merciless ignorant idolaters are trying to take our Utopia away.
We cannot allow this.
We cannot let apathy yield further destruction.
We must take a stand.
We must plant our feet.
We must accept ourselves and embrace our beauty as well as our flaws.
If we cannot find peace within ourselves, how can we find peace with our neighbors?
I wish you could see what I see.
I pray my vision inspires your vision.
We are one family.
And as a family... The human species - stewards of planet Terra - will either achieve Utopia as one or we will all die in a single dystopian flame.
I cannot allow this ember to grow.
4.5 billion years comes down to this single moment of time.
I see Utopia.
Utopia is you. Utopia is me.
Unified to end suffering, to heal our planet, to expand our species to the cosmos.
We can do this.
We have the tools. We have the knowledge.
All we lack is the vision and the will.
See my vision. Embrace my surviving will.
- Deets